After the events of September 11, 2001, it has been made clear that terrorist actions can be carried out on American soil by forces who wish harm to the United States of America, what the country stands for, and its allies and citizens. One thing must be made clear to those forces that the United States of America will not wane in it's resolve to exist as a free society. A place where many diverse cultures can civilly debate, disagree, and change social conditions without having to kill innocent men, women, and children.

To all of those who wish ill will on our nation; to all those cowards who danced in the streets while thousands burned to their deaths; and especially to all of those governments, fanatics, and criminals who take part in terrorist actions against other nations (not just the United States), be forewarned that what it means to be an American is to be free of all outside controls, and when such freedom is threatened, the cement that binds us as a people only stiffens and our resolve to remain free will never be broken by any act of faceless cowards.

[Enter USA Resolve]